Irma Dru Hutchison - was born in Richmond, Texas in 1894 to the late Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Johnson. As a little girl, Hutchison dreamed of becoming a teacher. She attended Richmond High School and later graduated from a university in New York City. After receiving her master's degree, Hutchison taught in several schools including a school in Honolulu where she taught for two years. Hutchison returned home to Richmond High School in 1934 and taught for more than a decade. Hutchison was part of the historical teaching in 1949 and opened Lamar Consolidated High School. Hutchison was known as a respected members of the Lamar teaching staff. LCISD Board Trustee, Sam Hopkins, was one of 46 people who nominated Hutchison for the honor of having Elementary #17 named in her honor, said,"to this day and to her credit, Miss Irma Dru is still considered on of the finest educators to have ever served in our school system." Her hobbies included gardening and collecting coins and stamps. Hutchison retired form teaching in 1965. After retirement, she enjoyed spending time with her children and grandchildren until her death in 1982.
Mission Statement
Hutchison Hornets lead, learn, and do the right thing when no one is looking.
Hutchison Motto
Good, Better, Best...
Never Let it Rest
Til Your Good is Better.
And Your Better is Best.